Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello Beautiful People! Ok...that was a little dorky...maybe alot. But that's what this blog is about. Being a dork, a prep, a jock, a theater geek. Anything. We want this blog to be for everyone and for everyone to feel comfortable here. This blog isn't going to be about us and how amazing(yeah, right!) we are. It's about the readers and what you want us to talk about. We have everything here! Need advice? We'll take care of it. Want a movie review? Sure thing! Need sexual release? is awkward. Ok maybe not everything but you get what we mean, right? No? Oh well. Just kidding! We can basically talk about anything. We'll write at least once a week about whatever you like so please request. The first couple posts will probably be randomly pulled from our brains though. So you are welcome if you: are misunderstood. are afraid to be alone. are afraid to be close. love The Who and hate when people don't know who they are. love pink and aren't afraid to admit it. if you miss someone. if you are the one being missed. Everyone.
You are a star and the world is just your paparazzi. Time to smile.

Love always,
The Trio

P.S. please become a star to make new friends:D